Monday, August 30, 2010

Classic Parking Garage Story

A couple who left their car parked in a long-term lot near Kennedy Airport during a trip to California were trying to figure out what their car has been doing without them. Mimi and Ulrich Gunthart said their car odometer reading jumped by 724 miles while they were out of town. Ulrich Gunthart said he was "flabbergasted" when he saw the number. Another surprise: when they returned to the car and started it up, a music CD came on at full volume. David Menter, a regional manager for AviStar parking, said the company investigated and looked over inventory logs but "found nothing out of the ordinary." He said there have been no similar claims by other customers, and the company will be reviewing its procedures. The Guntharts said the incident won't stop them from parking at the lot again.

This is status quo for airport parking, right? Hey Ulrich, cut the shit about being "flabbergasted." Nobody uses the word "flabbergasted" unless they're really trying to stretch out the truth. I feel like these type of shenanigans are to be fully expected at this point. You saw Ferris Bueller, right? I'm not saying it's OK to take someone's car out but I'm also not saying I wouldn't give a porsche a bit of a test drive if I had the chance. You gotta love the regional manager's reaction, too. Found nothing out of the ordinary? Really? So the 724 extra miles on the whip and some unsigned rapper's mixtape blaring through the speakers is normal?

P.S. I really don't give a fuck about this story but that picture is money.

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