Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Colts Lineman John Gill Found in Ditch and Arrested

john gill indianapolis colts arrested public intoxicationIs it just a coincidence that Gill not only looks like John Belushi but acts like him to?

For the 2nd time in less than a year defensive tackle John Gill has been arrested for public intoxication. This time he was found without a car or any shoes on and in a ditch on the side of the road at 4 a.m. Sunday. It must have been a really good night. Passing out and barfing on yourself is one thing but passing out in a ditch with no shoes is a whole other level. His season is likely over after this latest incident and the Colts are exploring rehab options. Team president Bill Polian said...
"He's got a problem clearly that unfortunately many Americans are familiar with, either in their family or the workplace. So, the No. 1 priority for him is to get treatment and we're in that process right now."
I'm pretty sure the reason he started drinking in the first place was because he has to live in that shit-hole of a city. The good news is the Colts won't miss him because he sucks. He only played in 2 games last year (the last 2 of the season) after the Colts had already locked up the #1 seed in the AFC. They just so happened to lose both the games he played in (their only 2 losses on the season).

Gill's options now are to either join Lindsay Lohan in rehab or sign with the Bengals. I'm guessing he chooses rehab because being in Cincinnati will likely drive him to drink even harder.


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