Monday, August 16, 2010

Kanye Will No Longer Curse

US rapper Kanye West has revealed that he has given up swearing as part of his new 'positive' way of thinking. West, 33, said that he has a new 'Rosewood' outlook on life. In an interview with DJ Clue, the hip-hop star said: 'That's the Rosewood Mentality, like affluence, like not [swearing] loud in public, pulling out chairs for your lady, opening up doors.'That's where I am at 33 and it's ill ’cause I'm at this really good emotional, great place in my life, and they're always saying in hip-hop that you have to be in a dark place to make great hip-hop.'

Before you lose your shit and go wild that Kanye stopped wearing, settle down. He said he's no longer swearing in public. You put me around 12 dudes and it's like a fucking pirate ship but make me throw a button down on, take the lady out to eat and I'm nothing but cordial. But holding doors isn't just a thing you do for a woman. It's something you do for all walks of life and nothing pisses me off more than some asshole who walks in front of you and lets the door close and slap you in the dick. Same thing with holding a door for someone and they don't say thanks or any sign of appreciation. It's like "hey bro, I could've went on my merry way but I didn't because I have morals and you couldn't give a flying fuck. Kill yourself. Seriously. Kill yourself. Do it. Now."

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