Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Don't You Dare Talk About Chan Gailey's Boys Like That

The Buffalo Bills may not be any tougher on their AFC East opponents this season, but new coach Chan Gailey has got a handle on his team's more unruly fans. After witnessing a group of Bills fans heckling QB Trent Edwards throughout practice Tuesday, Gailey approached the offenders. "I just was explaining to them why the players wouldn't be over there to sign some autographs for them," the first-year Bills coach said. "They said some things during practice that were derogatory to a couple of our players, and if you say something derogatory to one of us, you're saying it to all of us. So I told them don't go sign it for that crew."

Is this real life? Did a NFL head coach really approach a bunch of teenage boys for heckling Trent Edwards? Not Tom Brady. Not Brett Favre. Trent Edwards. Let Trent handle that shit. Have him sit back in the shotgun and deliver a laser right into the stands or something but do anything other than sending old man river to handle your business. What I would do in this situation? Simply tear off my helmet and yell, "Hey! Fuck you teenage boys!" Yeah that'll show those turds.

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