Monday, August 9, 2010

Brody Jenner Is a Chump.

Brody Jenner recently debuted his inner rocker by sporting a new Mohawk. Reports are now saying Brody Jenner vamped up the new look by shaving the letter A into the right side of his head. Brody Jenner and Avril Lavigne have reportedly been going strong since the spring and what better way to prove his devotion to the punk-pop-princess?

I used to genuinely like Brody Jenner. Like I thought he was a good dude but then all of a sudden this cloud of hate came over me.  He's a dork. Can't put it more simply than that. And he's also an idiot. Hey bro, you're desperate to show a girl that you love her? Maybe send her some flowers. Take her out to eat. Buy her something nice. I don't know. But I know the last thing you should do is shave the first letter of her name into your skull, especially an "A." I could walk down the street, be fully aware that he's dating Avril Lavigne and I'd still say,"What the fuck? A? What does that even mean? Oh, it's for your girlfriend? That's uhhhhh really gay." The sad thing is I know a hand full of guys who would make this same move. They're the dumb shits who throw a heart after every facebook wall post or end a text with a smiley face and then an exclamation point. You're a man. Be a man. That's her job. Homo. Now go tell me how my ass tastes.

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