Monday, March 15, 2010

The Celtics Suck.

CLEVELAND -- Leon Powe has seen the Boston Celtics at their best. They aren't there anymore. After coming off the bench and helping the Cleveland Cavaliers put away the Celtics 104-93 on Sunday, Powe, who won an NBA title with Boston in 2008, took a moment to reflect on his former team, a squad showing signs of age and perhaps vulnerability."Looking at the defense from the championship year, when we won it, it doesn't look the same," Powe said. "It looks like the rotation is slower and they ain't getting to the shooters and closing out like they did before. I don't know if it's effort or maybe they're a little older."But they've been old.

I know the Celtics are old. It's gotten to the point where I don't know if they'll even beat Detroit tonight. It's all up in the air as far I'm concerned. I don't know if they're gonna be motivated or if yesterday's game took way too much out of them and they can't recover. I don't fucking know. But one thing I do know is we don't need Leon Powe to tell us we're old. Who the fuck is Leon Powe? The guy with one good knee who couldn't keep his job in Boston even if he got down and blew Danny Ainge? That Leon Powe? Doesn't take a bright guy to watch Boston and realize they're a step slower than last year. And it doesn't mean I've given up on them. I'll still watch every game and cheer and all that shit but I'm not gonna pull my hair out after we blow another 4th quarter. It's not worth it. If they win, great. If they lose, it was fun while it lasted I guess. I feel so much like giving up.

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