Wednesday, February 4, 2009

What A Pussy

MILWAUKEE -- Milwaukee Bucks center Andrew Bogut will miss at least eight weeks with a stress fracture in his back.

Listennnnn. I'm not saying I even give a shit about Andrew Bogut or the Bucks cause I fucking don't. I actually didn't even think the Bucks had a team this year. Last I heard from them they traded Ray Allen like 8 years ago. Oh, and Michael Redd was the only thing worth watching in that neck of the woods since Favre went and fucked my life up. Seriously. What the fuck comes out of Milwaukee besides how god damn annoying it is to spell? That's not the point. A stress fracture keeping this guy out for 8 weeks? I don't mean to toot my horn but BEEP BEEP. I had a stress fracture in my back from 7th to 11th grade. You know how many games I missed? HOW 'BOUT ZERO. Yeah that's counting soccer, basketball, track, all drinking games and multiple sexual favors. You show me the guy who says I don't need a sturdy back for all those activities and I'll show you a virgin. I was what you would call a jack of all trades. I could have a heart attack then wake up and sell the medic 12 dozen steak knives.

Oh and Jordon Brault you better stop doing Ms. Bennets board game and essay because Syracuse is going to run a fucking train on West Virginia tonight. You heard it here first.

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