Monday, February 2, 2009

One Tree Hill? YOU BET YOUR ASS.

Guess who's back? Yesss just when you thought I was done being gay after that Hills post well I came back to reclaim that title. What godly title does the rza hold? How 'bout having the ability to what some could call expressing myself on such a homosexual level yet still has the power to run through more chicks then any man you know. Yes, I am that fucking dude. I dvr'd 24 so whatever call me what you want and I'll be sure to pistol whip your shit like Jack Bauer. Lets get into it. I'm fucking sick of this One tree Hill bullshit. Mouth wasn't even in this episode so I can't go bashing him on his pussy whipped ways and getting all gook eyed. There is one part of the show I would like to devour though. A 5 year old kid invites his smoking hot teacher over for a date? And she says yes!? WHERE WAS SHE WHEN I WAS 5? Honestly, call me fucked up but the entire time I was waiting for this teacher to mount little Jamie like a spider monkey and make him call her master. If this doesn't scream out the newest teacher sex scandal then I don't know what will. Next think you know we'll be going through this kids texts all from miss.hotpants saying how she can't wait for 11 years to pass when hes 16 and more well endowed. Fuck it. This show needs something to get me into it. Wheres the heartache? L.Scott is a movie producer all of a sudden just because he can write a fucking book? I can write a book on how to be a star crossed pimp so does that make me Jerry Bruckheimer? I think not. Show me the one hit wonder who has the world by the balls and I'll show you his next stop to rehab. or something. Anyway, I'm getting more and more pissed off writing about this CROCK OF SHIT. This is the last time I will ever give this show attention. UCONN did work tonight eh? 68-51 yiiikes. Guaranteed Jeff Adrien and Thabeet get all the hype by dicky suckaV tomorrow on sportscenter. WOW I am so off topic.

P.S. Do not google hot teacher unless you are prepared for breathtaking results.

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