Monday, February 2, 2009

It was all a dream/Marijuana Mike

Yeah, this blog is dedicated to all the teachers that told me I'd never amount to nothin', to all the people that lived above the buildings that I was hustlin' in front of that called the police on me when I was just tryin' to make some money to feed my daughters, and all the niggaz in the struggle, you know what I'm sayin'? - Notorious

That quote describes this blog, it was founded by a few balsy fellows and now look at us, pretty soon well all be droppin out of college seeing as this thing has made almost $15.00 already...yeahhhhh boy, now time for some sports.

GSP penetrated BJ Penn in every hole in saturdays big fight, the only way this thing could have been worse is if Rush St. Pierre took BJ's girlfriend after to, maybe blowjob should have been training when he was swimming with the fishes in hawaii. From what I read the founder of this blog could have taken him down with 1 perfectly placed punch to the ear.

Steelers won, big suprise. I guess the old legend hold true that senior citizens cant play quarterback in the NFL, sorry Kurt. Larry fitz was a men amongst boys, not as if it mattered, and Cardinals fell for Big Bens tricks like donahue falls for 7th graders.

How about some colleges hoops, about fucking time UCONN gets the number one ranking. Theyv beaten 6 ranked teams, not to mention calhouns been fighting cancer. Id like to see coach K take on the big east while fighting cancer.

The HBMHL also hosted its second game sunday, while the conditions of the ice were questionable the heart of the players was there in full force. This game got physical, checking and fights everywhere, skates flying around. Mikey O even bit a few people, no big deal it was all in the heat of the moment right?

Finally Michael Phelps is now known as a closet pothead...WHAT?! as you can see below he had a little friend on his side when he won 90834 gold medals. How do you think he mellowed out with all that olympic hype? This is very dissapointing Mr. Phelps if your smokin the reefer whose next: Pacman Jones, Ricky Williams, Michael Vick...nooo
He does seem a little happy, and those goggles are mirrored for a reason....his eyes must be redder than some kid from terryvilles hair, at least he had the balls to go 6on1.

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