Thursday, July 15, 2010

Gaga vs. Bieber - YouTube Style

In a "Who the hell cares" news post...Justin Bieber momentarily overtook Lady Gaga for the most viewed video on YouTube. Gaga's lesbian fans, who ironically look like Justin Bieber, caught wind of this and put the "Queen of Pop" back on top of Bieber. That's what she said. Oh god I can't get that image out of my head right now. It really surprised me that Bieber could even contend for top YouTube video because I didn't think 13-year-old girls had computers.

Here are the 2 videos because they kick-ass...

It was just announced that the "David After Dentist" video has earned that family $150,000. Holy bajesus. That video has 63 million views and made them $150,000, I can't imagine what some of the other top viewed videos are taking in. New business plan - try to create a video that will go viral. Any and all suggestions are appreciated.

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