Thursday, July 15, 2010

Road Rage at the Tour de France

I guess all the riders are roiding after-all. Mark Renshaw got a case of road rage as his steroid dose was just a little too high this week. Renshaw, of Australia, head-butted Julian Dean of New Zealand down the stretch as everyone was sprinting to the finish. The Tour's "top official" said, “This is cycling, not wrestling. This is not a gladiator’s arena.” Really? The Tour de France is cycling? Here I was thinking it was wrestling all along, waiting for Hulk Hogan to pop out and beat Lance Armstrong's ass with a bike. Renshaw argued that Dean was elbowing him but Renshaw was the one thrown out of the Tour de France.

Over/Under on length of time before Jose Canseco releases a tell-all book about steroids in professional cycling...


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