Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Is That the Guy From Stepbrothers?

And yes, it is Adam Scott starring in all of the new ESPN Baseball commercials. Most people hate commercials and I understand why: they interrupt your episode of The Hills and all you're worried about is whether Audrina will make it to the party on time. Thankfully for normal people, like me and you, who only watch sports, ESPN has GREAT commercials. From "This is SportsCenter" to the current baseball ones, they constantly keep me entertained during the breaks from Scott Van Pelt's clever lines and Stuart Scott's glass eye. It is now my pleasure to present you Ugg Boot's top 10 sports commercials:

  1. Nike Football - Leave Nothing

  2. Nike football has started to grow in the land of sweet commercials. Whether this was before or after Merriman started fucking Tila Tequila up is unimportant, but what is, is that this is a great commercial

  3. Tiger Juggling

  4. Before Tiger became a badass and started banging anything with a va jay jay, he was actually a pretty good role model for companies. Nike embraced this and dropped a simple, but great commercial. It looks like Nike just sent a guy with a camera, told Tiger to do something sweet, and then started recording.

  5. Write the Future

  6. World Cup 2010 is on the way and Nike is obviously ready for it. Releasing this ad was HUGE and the public loved it. The details and story-lines involved in the commercial makes it an instant classic. I can't watch it enough.

  7. Lebron Drains Full Court Shots

  8. It's fake. It's fake, it's fake, it's fake. Okay now can we get past that? This commercial rocks. Lebron wasn't yet crowned the king when this commercial first came out and it certainly helped pave the way for him. And as good as this guy is, I wouldn't be too surprised if it was real.

  9. Where Amazing Happens

  10. NBA TV could not have gotten this ad campaign any better. The slow music, bland colors, and amazing stills of players show some incredible emotion in a short amount of time. If you have a significant amount of time to kill please sit down and watch all these commercials because they really are incredible. One sticks out for me and that's Tim Duncan (TIMMAAAAAY!)

  11. It's All About Focus

  12. This just in, NBA makes fucking awesome commercials. This year they started to edit a lot of press conferences with certain players, play them over a small, simple beat, and make sweet commercials. They're catchy, have great clips, and are great commercials. Had to post 2 for this one, both are great watches.

  13. Priceless Pep Talks

  14. At one point, Peyton Manning seemed to be on a commercial every second of the day. The good thing about that point is most of his commercials were hilarious. This gem with MasterCard showed Peyton's funny side and turned into an instant classic. "I'd probably just buy some bigger shirts".

  15. There Can Only Be One

  16. Okay, okay I admit it, I really really like NBA commercials, but how can you not? These commercials are great. Most commercials go for cheap laughs but it seems NBA commercials are dedicated to not make you laugh, but inspire you. And they are quite successful. This ad campaign put the best players side by side and showed their true emotion in the game. With the final being Lakers-Celtics, the Kobe-Garnett ad was clearly the best.

  17. This is SportsCenter

  18. We don't really have time to list all the incredible SportsCenter commercials. I have yet to see a bad one and could have easily made a top 25 list of just SportsCenter. It's almost unfair to have "This is SportsCenter" commercials on this list because they are so good. YouTube surfing through just these commercials can result in hours of entertainment. Here's a couple of my favorites:

    Y2K Hits SportsCenter

    SportsCenter had to be Y2K safe back in the day and needed to test all the programs. This commercial is so good because of the sheer absurdity of it. Mark McGwire bashing computers, the Connecticut Huskie running through the office, Charlie Steiner taking control, and all of this is happening with Dan Patrick enjoying a nice lunch with Jon Randle.

  19. Terry Tate, Office Linebacker

  20. After a lot of thinking, Terry Tate just edges out This is SportsCenter for the number 1 spot. I remember the first time seeing this ad and literally laughing out loud. The hilarious hits, and then the switch to him singing birthday songs and running a meeting, this ad is certainly the best sports commercial we've ever had.

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