Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Galarraga Kicked In the Groin - Robbed of Baseball Immortality

Armando Galarraga was just robbed of a perfect game with 2 outs in the 9th. On a 1-1 pitch Jason Donald hit a grounder to 1st baseman Miguel Cabrera. Miggy fielded it, moving to his right, and threw to 1st where Galarraga was covering. Galaragga caught it and everyone started to celebrate - only to find out the ump (Jim Joyce...if you want to exact revenge) called Donald safe. Galarraga had a face of calm disbelief but Miguel Cabrera and Jim Leyland were furious - and they deserved to be. Replay showed that the play wasn't even close as the ball beat Donald to the base and Galarraga had him out by at least a foot. I can't even imagine what Galarraga is feeling right now, robbed of baseball immortality, but I feel so bad for him. It would have been the 3rd perfect game in 25 days! This was after Austin Jackson made a RIDICULOUS over-the-shoulder catch for the 1st out in the 9th. I was against implementing replay but with all of the blown calls recently it is clear replay is becoming more of a necessity. Video (without replay) is below. When I find a better video I will post it.

Here is the link to the video of it on MLB's website.

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