Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Case of Golden Tate and the Munchies

Golden Tate came home (most likely drunk, high, or a combination of both) the other night at 3 am and decided it would be a great idea to get some fresh donuts. No problem, right? Well kind of a problem, seeing as the donut shop wasn't open for another 4 hours. Tate and a friend broke into the shop to get some maple bars which he described as "irresistible". So irresistible apparently that Tate saw nothing wrong with breaking into the shop to get some. The police were called and were clearly Notre Dame fans because they just let him off with a warning. The donut store, Top Pot, recently signed an agreement with the Seahawk's stadium to sell donuts and coffee during games. This is about as fishy as the Roethlisberger situation - thankfully no one was raped.

Seriously Golden? Next time you go out and get fucked up make sure you have the munchies waiting for you when you get home. No more B n' E's please.

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