Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Lebron Vs. D-Wade.

I'd much prefer to watch these guys battle than Lebron against Kobe. When those 2 get together it's like Hitler rolling up to a land auction (too soon?). You know he's not giving out any handouts. It's kill or be killed. Every man for himself. Cup or bust, if you will. I'm not going to lie to you, I didn't watch this game last night. I don't know who won or really care. Miami isn't even a playoff team. How I met Your Mother was on. First off, I hate Lebron, his team and his little brothers. Respect him but hate him. We meet on the street, the story ends with him going into the wall. All I know is last month when I was playing NBA 2k9 and he was on my team, he missed the game winning shot. Wide open 3 pointer. He doesn't have the big brass ones needed in the clutch. And no, I didn't pick to be the Cavs. Everyone knows if I had my druthers, my go to team in that game is either Boston (obviously), Portland(Rudyyyy), or Minnesota (RYAN GOMES). I don't even remember what I was talking about. Dwade is a livewire. He's tons of fun. He doesn't take a play off like Kobe, he goes hard as the hood he's from and I love that. When we go to war, he's gonna be on my line. Him and that chimp from stamford (that was def. too soon). If you think I haven't been devising a plan for world domination since I was 7, you are sadly mistaken. Oh, I guess cavs won. Congrats boys, great fucking win. You're a real championship team. You just beat a team not even playing for the playoffs. Awesome job.

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