Monday, March 23, 2009

Time For A Shake Up.

I don't know what's gotten into this blog lately. When did it become uniform to write our posts in lists? And I'm not feeling the 1 post a week thing just to save your asses from getting axed. Well I got some news for everybody. One of the founding fathers is making a return to the blog. He's going to bring us some fucking credibility. The only man with college GPA above 3.0 (give me time people). I've gone to war with him in my foxhole(acorn wars 2003) and he's a better man then I'll ever be. They call him sir. One of the only yankee/g-men fans I will ever respect. Welcome his nastyness back, Mr. Nesty. Quite frankly I really don't give a shit if he ever posts or not, just as long we got his name on our site we'll be a little more respected.

P.S. If I lose to a bunch of 17 year bitches in soccer then I will hang up the cleats forever. It's already embarassing enough that they get to breath the same air as me.

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