Sunday, March 22, 2009

Back By Popular Demand

I don't want to talk about the possibility of my bracket being busted so I'll finally do the extra 20 random facts I promised weeks ago. This one is for Dr.cocknballs. You know who you are.

1) I think if you're a gay then you should have the same rights as a conquered, less superior country. It's our way or the high way.
2) One Fine Day is one finely underrated movie. Can you really go wrong with George Clooney and Michelle Pfeiffer?
3) Gravity wants to bring me down.
4) For meatloaf to say they would do anything for love but they wouldn't do that makes you wonder exactly what they would do for love.
5) You have no idea how high I can fly.
6) I think Rick Pitino is Dillon Desi's dad. Donny Baseball as he's known on the ball field.
7) Taylor Swift doesn't do much for me. I'm not saying I wouldn't take her for an Applebees 2 for $20 meal but I'm not saying I'd introduce her to my cat either. Maybe because she's like 14 or maybe because Hayden has my <3 4eva+evaaa
8) Me and Nesty ordered 14 JBC's from Wendys once.
9) I hate when chicks who have longer hair suddenly cut it so they look like they're 12 again. It never works. You either look like a little girl or a 45 year old lunch lady. None of which are respected in my blue eyes.
10) Now a question of etiquette; as I pass do I give you the ass or the crotch?
11) If that above picture of Dr Donahue doesn't make you chuckle then you have no soul. How an accidently placed dot on his nose evolved into whiskers and a dick on his chin still bothers me. Chalk it up to another drunken evening at shhbooms.
12) 12 is the new 20. pce fucker.

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