Monday, March 23, 2009

Later Bro

BOSTON -- Curt Schilling retired from baseball Monday, ending a career in which he won World Series titles with the Boston Red Sox and Arizona Diamondbacks and was one of the game's most dominant pitchers and grittiest competitors. The 42-year-old right-hander said on his blog he's leaving after 23 years with "zero regrets." Schilling missed all of last season with a shoulder injury after signing a one-year, $8 million contract.

I thought he retired a year ago but whatever. I would be doing a disservice (is that a word?) to my franchise if I said I wouldn't miss the old man. The bloody sock game is one of my favorite memories of all time. Anyone who questions the reality of that has been known to be put through a wall courtesy of me. He's one of the best big game pitchers there ever will be and he absolutely deserves a spot in the hall of fame. Would we have made the world series last year if he pitched in that game 7? Maybe, that's hard to say. One, because I was drunk and two, because I was drunk. He's great and all but it's hard for me to say I'm all shook up that he's leaving. I survived without him last year and if anything he was just becoming an old guy who would distract the team with his outspoken behavior. I couldn't put up another year of him talking about Manny or why the republican party is the only shin dig to hit up on a friday night. I loved him when he was playing but honestly he doesn't even crack my top 10 of favorite players. Nomar is on that list and he quit on us so that's saying something. I'm also the type of guy who would invite Sean Avery and Ron Artest to dinner and punch Lance Armstrong in the face so I'm no judge of good character.

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