Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I Found My Winner.

If it was 1994 again I would pick the Western University Dolphins in a heart beat. You can't disagree with a team headlined by Neon (Shaq) and that other black kid (Penny Hardaway). Oh, wouldn't that be the Orlando Magic of the 90's? I guess that didn't work out so well. Anyway, If there was one coach I'd want coaching me it would obviously be Nick Nolte. Couldn't think of a more stable guy or better team to pick this year to win it. You boys can sit back and thump on your brackets, yelling about Louisville this or Pitt that or Ty Lawson and his toe. But don't say I didn't I tell you so when the dark horse Dolphins are cutting down the nets in Detroit. You have been warned.

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