Thursday, March 26, 2009

Oh Stan, You Slay Me.

"Our guys don't care about [home court]. They want to get healthy," Rivers said. "And when we get healthy, we're willing to lace up against anybody."Responded Magic coach Stan Van Gundy: "I want to know how some teams get on the list, where they get excuses and other teams are not on that list. All I've been hearing about is all the injury problems the Celtics have had this year."

I'm all for guys speaking out to the media in defense of their team but not when it's against my favorite squad and certainly not when it comes out of the mouth of one the longest running jokes in the NBA. Stan Van Gundy needs to shut the fuck up. You'd think he would learn his lesson after he got verbally raped by Shaq when he called him out but no. He had to take a swipe at the greatest franchise in the league. You don't know how teams get on the list where they excuses? How 'bout you win a ring you fat motherfucker. When anyone can show me a team that can consistently keep up with a full celtics squad I'll be willing to listen. How this guy would have the audacity to talk after his team blew a 14 point lead and barely hung on for a victory is beyond me. Playing the whole 4th quarter without a certain Kevin Garnett might I add.

P.S. Paul Pierce is one of the top 5 players in the league? I think so.

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