Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sorry Guys

Okay, i haven't posted in a few days...but can you blame me?? I've been busier than a one armed paper hanger with the shits. Anyways, todays the greatest thursday of all time...second to when my second born child is being born (i already chose thursday). 

Okay, so this post goes out to Big A, Atkinson for the idea. Youkkkk and Perdroia hurt, all of the sudden the A-Rod story isn't the biggest in the AL East. Looks like they need a bubble bath with my girl kendraaa. Anyways, all of the sudden the Sox are lookin forward to fourth place in the division, seems like quite a tasty treat. Who says we need Alex?? Hes a juicer anyway. We'll play a fine baseball game without the pincushin for an ass A-Rod on the hot corner. Who's playing third?? Thats man Kenny Powersss. Not really tho, LETS BLOW SOME YAY RZA. fuck that noise. The sox are screwed, big papis deflated, youk is ticklin' babies, and pedroia is back in the playpen with chucky and the other rugrats. Ahhh angelica the bully...sorry im so dry. Fuck my noise.


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