Sunday, March 15, 2009

Travis Henry Is Very Fertile

According to ESPN’s Outside the Lines, Travis Henry is now up to 11 children by 10 different women, as a woman recently gave birth to twin girls. The weekend ESPN program apparently has an investigative report on Henry’s current situation as he’s facing federal drug trafficking charges. It’s been unfortunate seeing how his NFL career has panned out.

Travis Henry had his cake and ate it too. How do you sleep? As much as I wanna blame the guy for being a complete piece of shit, I cant. You gotta question the females here. You'd think after Henry had his 7th kid with bitch tits #5, that #6-10 would get that this guy doesn't want to stick around for child support. The people obviously didn't watch tips4tits or they would know about a thing called condoms. Then again, Kenny Powers says safe is death so what do I know. All I wanna say is I hope I get invited to Travis' birthday party. 11 kids and 10 different women. That's one festivus I'd take part in. Imagine the airing of grievences then feats of strength. Mind blowing.

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