Monday, March 23, 2009

I Watched 1TreyHill Instead of Jack Bauer. Cut My Balls Off Now.

It's back and now my ultra homosexual posts are back. Once again, this one is for the ladies but fellas listen closely. This show is really getting out of hand with its ridiculousness. First, our little guy Jamie is involved in what could be called a lions club basketball game. He touches the ball for the inbound pass and I begin counting. Yup, 8 seconds. Obviously we're not teaching these kids the rules of the game, completely ignoring the 5 second violation. I'm not even going to go into the total disregard for fundamentals. these kids should know the stack play. It's the most elementary and simple thing to diagram. Jamal goes left, Mike goes right, and so on and so forth until the 4 kid goes straight back for the safety. I don't know what is so god damn hard about that. Second. Dan Scott is going for a heart transplant. The nurse boy who is delivering this heart in a cooler suddenly trips, falls, drops the heart from the cooler, the heart hits the floor and then a dog from no where comes and eats it. WHAT!? And then Lucas just walks in and gives him this face like "Ahhh shit man, we'll get em next time." No, no, no, no. Another thing. What is with every dude in this show having the same haircut as me. I get it guys, we all wanna look the part but I gotta live my own life. Moving on. This show is not even over yet and I just typed this all up. Yeah, I'm absolutely done with this shit. If I ever watch it again, I give all you first dibs on smacking my first born child in the face. The only positive thing that I can take from this show is that this guy Julian is drinking from a bottle of dos equis beer. And I have 100% more respect for this guy from Dawson's Creek.

p.s. 1 in 4 American girls has a STD. "I like those odds" said Dan Donahue.

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