Friday, March 20, 2009

Dear Jay Bilas, You're Sort Of a Prick.

I used to love this guy. Classy, charming, insightful, intelligent, and just overall a fine looking gentleman. A modern day Dylan Desi. I could even let the fact that he's a dukie blue devil slide. But not anymore. It's like years of being touted as the best commentator and analyst has finally got to his head. He's just a dick now. I respected the way he was a true fan of Duke but he never let that get in the way of his job. All in all he's a fair motherfucker. You could be wrong a year ago and Bilas would sort have express a different view but not knock you down. Today, he's gonna tell you why you're wrong, chastise you for it, call your mother and tell her what a horrible job she did raising you and then spit on your lasagna. Maybe even piss in your beer then laugh about it. Did you see the way he completely tore down Dicky V on sunday over the St. Marys debate? I hate Vitale but I wanted to cry for the guy. Bilas just gets personal with it now and I don't like it. It was a worse ass whooping than when we were called the 4th best blog in town. He was also talking smack about my boy Arinze last week in the Syracuse game and that is what probably started my entire hate for him.

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