Monday, March 23, 2009

this is startin to grind my gears..

For those of you who dont know, this is Mike Francesa, possibly the most angry/annoying may on the planet. This man has been on a steady decline ever since the end of mike and the mad dog ended. The mother fucking OG Chris Russo aka Mad Dog got sick of putting up with Francesa's shit, and decided to go be with real sports fans that give legit arguements. My problem with Francesa is that he is a bitter man who hates on all athletes and teams, especially those who he covers most, New York Sports. This ruthless ass could hate on such a man as Lance or Tiger, or any of the classiest men in sports. He just finds pleasure in demoralizing people to make them feel uglier then his fat ass. The Mike Francesa show sucks ass, and nobody wants to hear this prick ramble about nothing and yell at fans who call in with their opinions. Kick him off the air WFAN and YES network, and do yourself a favor and invite Mad Dog back on the air. His shit was priceless.
In other news...
-It appears as if the Japs are gonna win barring a 1 run comeback from the Koreans...who cares...yellow bastards...
-Day one of NWC baseball tryouts were easy as hell for those who care...nobody probably does so...yah
-and of course...Go Memphis
God bless Texas

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