Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Just One Of Those Days

Listen you beautiful bitches I'm about to fuck you up with some truth. There isn't a lot out there today. I could live blog the celtics/magic game but no one would really care about that except for that grady bastard. Maybe I should have blogged about the school that sent a letter to a family demanding their daughter improve her attendance except she died two months ago. I thought that was a little rude. So I'm telling you to go on That's an educated motherfucker over there. I may bring the laughs but he'll be the guy standing in front of congress while they all suck his dong at the state of the union adress. I'll be the guy writing about his custard colored shirt or something.

P.S. I don't know who this jack tyndall motherfucker is but he keeps blowing up someone's status on my news feed and I just wanna say one thing. He might be the most adorable little shit I've seen this side of town since I was 4. No joke. He looks like one of those little kids you would see on a the side of a cereal box from the 80's. If he wasn't 9 I might ask him to be my wing man.

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