Monday, March 30, 2009

Jay Wright is GQ

Now by no means am i a Villanova fan, but i cant help but notice the stunning attire of head basketball coach Jay Wright. He is by far the best dressed man in NCAA sports. He reminds me a lot of myself. We both know how to throw together a suit with the best of them, and look downright scrumptious. I walk down the hall at NWC and turn heads, no lie. Now i dont like Nova, nor do i know much about Jay besides his enviable attire, but i would just like to throw it out their that he can rock a tie like this fella right here (me).

on a side note....
-i hope Nova beats UNC becuase i hate the tarheels.
-i also hope Nova beats UNC becuase thats an easy win for UCONN.
-Fuck Memphis again for screwing my bracket.

In conclusion...get buckets america

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