Sunday, March 15, 2009

Syracuse Gets a 3 Seed. G-Mac Is Smiling.

We can win this kids. 'Cuse was a 3 seed when this guy named Carmelo led us to glory back in 2003. I think UNC is mentally weak and don't even get started on why Oklahoma should just pack their bags and get the fuck out of the tourney. If I didn't like money so much/I'm broke so start clicking on ads bitch, I would without a doubt put the boys in orange in my final 4 but I can't.Even though I absofuckinlutely love this Syracuse team for so many different reasons. Andy Rautins is as cool as the other side of the pillow but his dreamy eyes coulddn't pull me back into reality. I'm a dreamer but even Ozzy would have to look twice at that pick. Enough. Now I can't tell you all my picks because you'll all just copy me and if you don't well fuck you, you're just jealous and retarded. All I'm gonna say about the midwest region is that Wake can do big things and my boys from Dayton and Siena will be making quite a splash. Take from that what you will (did that even make sense?) Now I'll get into how the west was won. Andrew Jackson and little thing my forefathers called manifest destiny. Oh wait nevermind. I hate Memphis and everything about them. From their state to their fast talking coach. He's the type of guy who would butt fuck me out of $4,993.00. I think UConn will take it, they always perform well in the west region. Don't ask me how and theres a couple fancy upsets in there. Again, I can't say who. I got too much money riding on this bad boy. The east is fun man. I love UCLA. Fucking love their saddle baggin guard play. Experience, experience, experience. Pitt always blows it in the tourney and so does Duke but someone has to take the cake right? So I go with Pitt over the bruins in the final 8. Or do I? And there is no way in hell I'd put 'Nova in the final 4. I don't care if their the #1 team in the country and there were only 4 teams left on earth. No fucking way. I Hate Nova more than Memphis and Pitt. Jay Wright is a whiney bitch. Him and coach K should go touch dicks after every game and have a hate fuck session then get out of college basketball forever. I'm coming out of this thing victorious boys. If theres one thing I hate in life, it's losing. If theres two things I hate, it's losing and getting cancer. 3rd might be the fact that Eric Devendorf hasn't figured out he's whiter than me yet.

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