Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Maybe You Should Sext Next Time Josh.

According to an NFL source, McDaniels sent a text to the disgruntled Cutler before arriving here at the owners meetings. Cutler has yet to respond.

Ouch. That's all I can say. There is nothing more hurtful than a completely ignored text message. Sellberg does it to me all the time and my heart just crushes. It's one thing when an annoying kid asks what's going on when he clearly knows you're having a party because he heard you and yours boys referencing it in basketball when you kept yelling how wet you're gonna be on the table tonight with that stroke. But it's just fucking rude to snub someone when they're reaching out to you. Trust me. Been there, done that. You put your heart on the line, the least you can do is return it with a simple "it's whatever" or my favorite "oh. ok." That's just basic ethics people.

I don't know why there is a picture of a shirtless Sean Avery either.

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