Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My take on AIG

So after i looked at what the "educated motherfucker" (as rza so eliquently put it) i decided that i would throw my input into the AIG situation. Well one situation. If you live in a box and dont watch any tv, AIG got a government bailout and with this dough, the company is givin it out in bonus' for the executives. People are gettin all pissed at the executives for recieving money that was due to them! now i may be in a minority on this issue, but these men (and women i guess.....) deserve the money that is rightfully due to them. They signed a contract, and in this contract was their guarenteed bonus money. Why the fuck any of these people want to give it back is beyond me. Yah sure death threat this death threat that...who cares just hire some body guards with the bonus money you are entitled to. So FUck you idiot americans and let these men (and women?) get what they deserve. Now dont get me wrong im not hatin on all americans,but half of you dumb fucks work at Dunkin Donuts or some dead end job and dont know what 250k is besides some number you cant possibly count to so you get mad when other people are making the money you will never see...ever. so whether you think your taxes are getting put into the pockets of the already wealthy, that may be true, but the same damn money is just gunna go to the GOV reguardless of what its being spent on ... so shut up.
Lets go mets!

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