Monday, March 30, 2009

J Weezy in the house

Or as my brother liked to call me, wheezy (sucks to your assmar piggy). Lord of the Flies, anyone? Anyone? Alright here we go, I wouldn't consider myself to be a Spenious, or a Sports Genius as they're more commonly referred to, but I do have something to bring to this organization. I will be adding a little daily (maybe not daily I'm pretty lazy) dose of politics and business to the scene. For my first post, I'd like to get something off my chest.
Everyone out there thinks Fox News is the big bad negro in the room, with the power to change the truth and spin everything to fit their agenda. While some of this may be true (black from the neck up waist down), it only appears that way because of how our liberal media portrays the rest of the world. Think about it, almost every major news outlet out there is controlled by a handful of people, all with the same agenda - if they didn't try to disprove or discredit Fox News (their competitor) then they would be doing a disservice to their shareholders (after all the point of a business here in America is to be competitive and be profitable) [although our Socialist president is trying to change this by nationalizing private companies]. I digress, Fox News is the only right wing conservative news channel out there, and to their credit, they have more liberals on their show than do other channels have conservatives. I'm not saying Fox News is the shit and we should all watch only Fox news (please god no, Anne watches that thing from sun up to sun down, and she is just as guilty as the rest of the world out there for hearing only one side), what I'm saying is that by comparison, Fox News may seem to be terrible but it seems this way because it is the only conservative station to compare to. George Bush doesn't care about black people.

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