Friday, March 27, 2009

Beckham Speaks. We Listen.

On Wayne Rooney. ''When you are a bit older, you see players' reactions and see what can happen next,'' Beckham said. ''I've seen it with some of the best players in the world. Look at ZZ, you can see it in his eyes sometimes in games. You know what's going to happen. ''It's all about the passion, which is the biggest thing. You don't want to take that out of him. You can try to get to him in time as a team-mate, but some things are uncontrollable. ''You can have some of the most experienced players in the game telling you to calm down, but sometimes you can't be controlled.''

Yesss finally someone gets it. I'm so sick of these veterans always speaking out telling the young guys like Rooney, Sean Avery and myself to calm down. The bottom line is if you try to change a guy and temperament, you are creating a whole other beast. Playing angry = playing passionate. I've been saying that bullshit for years and now it is finally acknowledged. You can teach fundamentals and manners and all that jazz but skill cannot be taught. Fundamentals are the crutch for talentless. This one coach I had tried to put me on a weight training program, and I was all like, “You and your weights can go fuck off somewhere. I’m not lifting that shit. That shit is heavy. You tell me why I need strength training when I’m strong enough to jump and run over an entire team. Fuck. That." Listen, all I'm trying to say is once your great, you don't fuck with that shit. I don't care if you like slapping girls like Devendorf.

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