Sunday, March 29, 2009

Now Hiring.

We're not looking for any real credentials here fellas (or ladies?). Look at me for example. I'm a people person. Very personal, I absolutely insist on enjoying life, not so task oriented, not a work horse. I mean if you're looking for a clydesdale I'm probably not your guy. Like I don't live to work it's more of the other way around; I work to live. If you think you got what it takes to rock the mic right then feel free to let us know. If you can't spell or punctuate then I would ask you to not even apply. I don't have time to sit there and edit your posts and I'm not going to let you make us look like we're coming straight out of the special ed room. This isn't amateur hour. You also gotta be able to bring the motherfuckin heat on the daily. I mean just roll the fuckin dice. You might not laugh at it but some 15 year old in indonesia might think you're a riot. After all, that's what we're all about over here. Touching one child, one at a time.

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