Wednesday, March 25, 2009

David Babyyyy

So with the title, you probably assume im blogging about my boy David Wright, well not this time ladies. The David i am talking about is not a who, but a what, and that what is David Sunflower seeds. Yes, the sports world is boring me oh so much that i decided to declair my love for this delightful snack. Just pop them in whever you want, driving, working in the yard, and my favorite spot, on the baseball field.

so yes the sports world is boring me that much that i decided to talk about sunflower seeds. reguardless of their awesome taste, i am ashamed to have nothin else to talk about. well not really, i just have nothing good to talk about in the sports world. i mean i could be like sellberg and proclaim my spring sport team (NWC baseball) to be the state champs, but ill give you seasonal updates. I dont know FML i just blogged about sunflower seeds...but they are good nonetheless.

in other news...

your an idiot if you think i have anything else to talk about.

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