Tuesday, February 10, 2009

well well well

Well they say production is down, so here is my long ass post of death.

Sean Avery is back and I can assure all of you that every member of the HBMHL will be attending wolfpack games as long as hes there.

Miquel Tejada is being charged by the federal government for steroid use and perjury, about fucking time. This MLB is as dirty as Mike Orefice's playoff beard. Sadly im guessing well over half of the players in the MLB are juicing and its not gonna get any better. Tejada deserves to go to fucking jail and hes gonna be dodgin dicks with Michael Vick in no time.

Troy Aikman is graduating college 20 years after leaving UCLA. Woop dee doo, are you Dr. Troy Aikman now, no, are you going to use your degree, all your gonna do is look pretty in the booth and call games untill we dont want you anymore. Maybe you should make a comeback and play for Dallas, we all know Tony homo cant make a pass or pick the right celebe girlfriend, and the last time they won a playoff game was when you were there.

Kobe and Lebron had a real snoozer in sundays game. You have the 2 best players in the game on the same court and yet this game is boring, take away the celtics and idk where the NBA is going. There are many great individuals but not many great all around teams with depth, the least you could do was put your fucking studs on the floor and let them get on the highlight real. I guarantee you Reed Wazorko would have gone all out, probably taking Kobe's arm off in the process.

A-rod says the pressure to perform at a high level is why he took steroids, "I was young, I was stupid, and I was nieve." what the hell, that was in 2001 and 2002 its not like you were a baby out of the womb. Every single player in professional sports is under pressure to play at a high level, so just play hard and forget about steroids, what next is he going to go vince young on is because the pressure is to great? psychhh, he also said he didnt know what he was taking and putting into his body, ok well prostitutes dont necessarilly know whats getting put into there body but im sure you do Mr. Rodriquez.

The big dodgeball tournament is this thursday and I would like to remind all the readers the NOBODY CAN BEAT OFF CONSTANTLY, if you dont get the joke our teams name is off constantly. I hear it is mostly all girl teams and iv already told the boys were going for headshots, titshots, and clitshots, sorry if that offends any of you females.

Indoor soccer seasons starts soon and im sure the rest of the team along with myself is pumpeeeeeeeeeed. Were gonna get our asses kicked but it should be a good time. There is the matter of the female player on our team and lets just say shell be getting the ball as much as rudy oneil gets layed,yaaaa.

live action shot of nick marenna

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