Friday, February 6, 2009

We're Still The Champs

Listennnn. To say I didn't lose a little sleep over the loss last night would be a bit of lie. Honest to Christ I thought we had that W in the bag. Ray Allen showed his All-Star type talent in overtime and it looked like we're going to run away with it. There was only one problem besides the more atrocious display of officiating I've seen this side of the Mississippi since Custard's last stand. Glen "you cry like a fucking big baby" Davis. Sure I giggled when he put up the first jump shot and missed. But then he did it another 6 times. 7 fucking jump shots this guy took at the end of regulation and overtime. You're fucking 500 pounds. Get your ass in the paint and start banging bodies you fat piece of shit. If I'm Doc Rivers I'm sitting this hunk of shit for the rest of the season. Know your role and shut your mouth. I did enjoy the lakers celebrating at the end though as if they won the finals. Congrats fellas, you won the 51st game of the regular season. That means a lot. Oh, wait.

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