Sunday, February 1, 2009

Knee Jerk Reactions To The Game

-Hell of a game. Probably one of the best if not the best. For a bunch of fucking JV squads. Have I mentioned the Pats beat the Cards 47-7? I don't know. Just throwin that out there. Let your mind play with that. Think we coulda had some more to say about this game had the NFL not been afraid of us.

-Don't let sellberg control the remote at halftime unless you want to see a bunch of fat bastards fall in mud and rub their titties like their trying to buy themselves a night out with the rza. I wanna see Bruce baby. THE BOSS.

-Black president, black superbowl winning coach. Black mvp. I fear for you and me. Now let's talk about if the pats won. white coach, tom brady mvp. I love America again.

-How bout the pepsi commercial with Bob Dylan and Wyclef? Shit was dooope.

-If you haven't seen Sellberg's new dance, it is quite the sight to see. I see why Robert likes to call him master. Let's just say if it was an ipod then it would be a shuffle. Oh behave!

Here's a list of people I would make out with before I ever cheer for the Steelers: chris powers, the girl in shrek but when she was an ogre, jane fonda in her later years, Bruce Springsteen, dwight schrute, jordon brault, tara, bob costas, any bird or fish (even though powers kisses like one), seth green, aquaman, 10% charlie and last but not least the yin yang twins.

- I was informed tonight that saying "you're kind of cute, give me a bj" will result in a slap to the face. By a guy. Clearly not a man's man. You should look at my track record fella. ole!

- Mikey O wanted to win this game for the gipper.

-Always strapped when I hit the club, niggas give my daps, bitches give me hugs and bitch I'm paid. I see em muggin me, you know I'm muggin back.


- LET ME SAY IT AGAIN. This game was a crock of shit. Until you come through Titletown USA (Boston/ 24 Carriage Drive) then you deserve a fucking asterisk next to your name. Sellberg thinks he's me with this title runs through philly shit but come the fuck on. We the best.

-Coach Dan doesn't allow lay ups.

-I honesty think Larry Fitzgerald is the best athlete of this generation. No Joke here.

-If the dog in the picture doesn't make you say aww then I don't know what will.

-This blog is catching serious fire. The lady at cvs told me her cousins nephew has a brother whos friend is dating a girl who once hooked up with a guy who is best friends with a girl who once fucked around with the first selectman and he has 7 friends, all of which have children who then in turn built a house in the same town, of which, is home to many readers of this very blog.

-I'm still waiting to see the 1 second commercial.

- I've cried 5 times in the past 12 hours. Why? How bout the 30000 replays of super bowl 42. This is the first time I'm publicly admitting the Patriots lost that game. Gmen didn't win.

-Have you ever seen a burn victim? yikes.

gotrings2091 (11:07:46 PM): first is the worst
gotrings2091 (11:07:49 PM): second is the best
gotrings2091 (11:07:55 PM): third is the one with the hairy chest

I'm done for the night. ohhh..wait for it....

Donahue71690 (11:18:06 PM): aight im hittin the sackkkkkk ;-) i got work in the morning so i gotta punch the clown a little

That's a picture of me and my cat. He's a cool fuckin dude.

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