Monday, February 9, 2009

I'm All Out Of Faith.

This is how I feel. Cold and ashamed, lying naked on the floor. I know Sells already reported on A-rod the other day but I gotta throw in my 2 cents cause, well, it really doesn't mean shit until I say anything. As much as I hate A-rod and I love to see him make a complete ass out himself (again) with this whole steroid scandal, I am a little dissappointed. As a sports fan we all thought A-fraud was the last action hero. The man was pure. He was going to save us all from living with Bonds and his bullshit numbers. A-rod was a freak. He can flat out hit the baseball. Except in the playoffs. Against Boston. When it counts. Baahaa. He lied to Katie Couric and that hurts. How can anyone look into those bedroom eyes and tell a lie. I could watch her report a forest fire in my own backyard and still feel safe. The bottom line is this. I have no confidence in baseball anymore. The entire league is dirty. From the front offices to the dugouts. We're even a little dirty. I'm ready for 4 more months of winter.

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