Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Taylor Lautner Talks Weird

I saw Twilight: Eclipse yesterday and it did not disappoint. Critics aren't even ragging on it too hard as it received a 51% on Rotten Tomatoes, the highest score yet for the series. Eclipse provided just the right mix of romance (no homo? fuck it, I don't care if you think this movie is gay) and action. I previously talked about how the addition of David Slade (30 Days of Night) as director would add more violence and blood and he did just that. The fight scenes were awesome and the werewolves were bad-ass. Also, as the title of the post states...I noticed Taylor Lautner talks weird and it's annoying. I'm pretty sure he is on roids and skipped puberty altogether.

If you see this movie in theaters you will have to deal with the fact that the audience is 99% girls under the age of 15 so to cope with that here is a drinking game for the movie...before I get to that though, Ugg Boots For Men would like to formally introduce you to our sister site, Drink Through the Credits. DTTC will be the home for all your movie drinking game needs. It is in the early stages but is being updated everyday so be sure to check it out often for all the new updates and additions. Follow us on twitter for all the latest updates/news. Man do I love shameless promotion.

Drink Whenever

...someone says "love"
...you see a werewolf
...someone is shirtless
...anyone dies
...anyone kisses
...the past is referenced

Chug Whenever

...someone says "newborn(s)"

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