Thursday, June 3, 2010

Hey, Isn't There a War/Oil Spill/Declining Ratings That Needs Some Attention?

WASHINGTON -- The president is on the record again about LeBron James -- and this time, the people of Cleveland may be happier about it.  President Barack Obama told CNN on Thursday that it would be a terrific story if the basketball superstar stayed with the Cleveland Cavaliers instead of switching teams as a free agent. Said Obama: "That's a town that has had some tough times." The president said it would be a wonderful statement to Cleveland if James said: "I'm going to make a commitment to this city." The president stuck to his point that James needs to find a winning situation with a good team and coach.

Barack, I think you're a super cool dude and maybe some day we can sit down and have a beer and talk about how silly we were when we were young but now is not the time to be super cool president. Now is the time to be the proud, strong president that makes people pay for their actions. Oh, and stop fucking talking about Lebron and inviting the college national champions to your crib. Let Joe Biden handle that shit. Just cause you're the black dude doesn't mean you gotta talk basketball 24/7.

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