Monday, March 1, 2010

Yesterday Wasn't The Worst Day

Listen, I wanted that gold medal more than anybody. I feel as if I got punched in the gut then spit on for 3 hours. I was all excited because there's something satisfying about coming into a country, playing their game and smacking the shit out of them. But it didn't happen. And honestly, we weren't supposed to win a silver or bronze so a silver is kind of a win for us. It's like we woke the hockey world up and said "this is a warning shot, We're not fucking around anymore." Classic, America. You dangle your charms in front of our faces long enough then we're gonna snatch it and make it ten times better. Regardless, it was a awesome game. My man Brendan Shanahan said it best, "Great game by both teams but the real winner today was the sport of hockey." I'm not saying Hockey is going to make a push for a 3rd favorite sport in the country but it's not such a distant 4th today as it was a month ago. So yeah that loss fucking sucked and the way it ended was absolutely brutal. But before Crosby scored that goal, it might have been the most exciting hockey game I've ever seen and one of the most exciting sporting events of all time. In 8 years when the assbag, Gary Bettman, doesn't allow NHL guys in the Olympics and it's not as fun as watching superstars play their dicks off, you can sit back and talk about Vancouver 2010 games.

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