Sunday, February 28, 2010

Desperately Desperate

Yes, I am desperately desperate for the episode featuring Heidi Klum. Turns out I got it wrong last week and that was not this episode but the next one. Mea culpa.

The episode starts with Eva Longoria wearing Uggs. She gets frustrated by her motherly duties and is relieved when her child's chicken pox forces her out of the house. She then proceeds to go on a bender with the gay neighbors. The episode gave away my classic report card hiding place: under the bed. Damn it! The next scene featured Julie Benz and Dana Delany. Julie Benz accidentally spills syrup on herself and then proclaims, "I don't know what it is with me, I just have to get dirty". Katherine then starts touching her and whispers "I'll get it" right as we see it was all a dream. 2 pictures from the scene are below.

Felicity Huffman forgets about her daughter's birthday, Marcia Cross (Bree Van de Kamp) hires a new employee who reveals he has ulterior motives which we will have to wait to find out, Kathryn Joosten (Karen McCluskey) gets engaged, Karen's fiance tells Teri Hatcher that he never desired other women until he got engaged. He reaffirmed every man's thought process when he said, "All my life I never cared about salt, but when my doctors said I couldn't have it anymore I started craving it". Gaby (Eva Longoria Parker) finally realizes she needs to be home with her children and not out partying while Karen's fiance realizes he needs to be there for Karen when she finds a potentially cancerous lump on her lungs. The episode ends with Dana Delany (Katherine Mayfair) and Julie Benz laying in the same bed, naked under the sheets. On the scale of manliness from Gilmore Girls to 24 this episode was about a 4.

P.S. If you love Desperate Housewives you are sure to love this new TV show because it is being tagged as "Desperate Housewives for teens". It is called Pretty Little Liars and will air sometime in 2010. Check out this site for some pilot photos.

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