Saturday, February 27, 2010

Ode to Brett Favre

Brett Fuckin Favre, what else is there to say about him.... Oh a lot! He is one of the best quaterbacks of all time behind Tom Brady ofcourse. But Still many of you are probably tired of Brett flip flopping on if he is going to come back again. I Hope he does. Football wont be the same without him. As long as I have watched football I have watched Brett do amazing things. I was at the Pats and jets overtime game in 2008 when Brett drove down the field for the game wining field goal. I was really pissed that the Pats lost but I was able to say to myself that I was able to see Brett play. I know he is old but look what he did this year he had his best statistical year of his career and he proved to be pretty good for me in fantasy football as well. He blew up Sydney Rice's career and all the while making Adrian Peterson look human since the Vikings went to a pass first offense and dropped Peterson's carries down and he suffered alot expecially from all the fucking fumbles he had. Your Prolly saying right now Togs your stupid or a fag, Brett blew the game for the Vikings in the playoffs. All I have to say is fuck you and thats what you get with Favre. The gunslinger he is will never die in him and he will keep trying to fit it into the tightest spots, he could probably throw a football into a 16 year olds vagina from 20 yards away. You know deep down you will be missing something in your life when Brett is gone. I'm pretty sure John Madden will cease to exist when Brett is finally done. So I hope he comes back and you should to, if not your not a true football fan and are probably hated by people who know you. The Myth signing off.

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