Thursday, February 25, 2010

Spandex and Uggs enough said

For all of you out there in college or even highschool I've got one Question for you. Why do almost all girls wear a northface, spandex and uggs like almost everyo day in the winter time?? They even wear Uggs in the summer which is just retarted. I have no idea, it's almost like its a new club that they are all in and hold secret meetings about the next new color of uggs to buy or the next color northface to wear. Didn't it use to be that no girl would be caught dead wearing the samething as another girl in class? Now everywhere I turn I see girls in their, if you will uniforms. Is this the new trend for women's rights or something?? hahah yeah right. Personally I have nothing wrong with a girl wearing spandex thats for sure. If she wants to wear tight enough clothes to give her an excuse not to wear panties then I'm all for it. Plus it makes any girls butt look awesome, even the ugly ones...sometimes. But Why the Uggs? I think they look stupid especially since there is only like 5 different colors. Idk it just annoys me. And the Northface too, Why sure they are warm but whats up with this combination of what seems random clothes. I mean the northface and uggs will keep you warm but the spandex?? Idk....Personally Id rather just have girls wear spandex and a tanktop all year round..well only the hot ones, the ugly ones just need to stay inside. The Man signing off.

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