Saturday, February 13, 2010

When Did Danica Patrick Become Jimmie Johnson?

I'm not gonna pretend to know shit or really give a fuck about racing but enough is enough with this Danica Patrick chick. ESPN is all over her like she's won 5 Daytona 500's in a row or something. Has she ever won anything? She's been in indy for 5 years and now she's going into Nascar with a record of 0 wins and I don't know how many losses. I'm not kidding. If you trained me to be a driver and I did all the right workouts and practices then I could win a race in my 5 years of driving. If I didn't you can consider me an epic failure. But you slap a pair of tits and a pretty face on TV like Danica then she can get away with it and it's disgusting how the media slobbers over for her for no reason. Michelle Wie was huge too until she was proven to be a fraud.

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