Saturday, February 27, 2010

Dear Togs, You're Motherfucking Fired

I just read 4 consecutive posts that I didn't give a shit about. Have you never read anything from this blog? You do know I hate Calhoun, Brett Favre and anything to do with CCSU, right? Come the fuck on, dude. I gave you a shot and this is how you repay me? By producing piles of shit? Brett Favre? Really? the NFL season ended a month ago and you still wanna talk about that attention seeking whore. Incredible. You gotta talk about shit that people care. Like something that's socially relevant. I didn't know I'd have to spoon feed you on how to be awesome but I guess I was wrong. Fuck. Oh well. Another one bites the dust.

UPDATE: I liked how the only defense to getting fired was posting porn on the blog. Nice touch, asshole. The manly thing to do was write a rebuttal and prove to everybody you're not a fucking bitch but I guess even that was too much to ask. What a joke. Yeah, I'm a little upset.

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