Monday, February 22, 2010

I Thought Hockey Was Canada's Game?

I mean if this wasn't a good enough arguement against free health care then I don't know what was. It's clear Americans are tougher, and more determined. When we want something, we get it. We just had that grit last night. For years we fought for what we have and last night was a prime example. Canada hasn't really had to do anything on the world hockey stage to be picked as the godfathers of puck. Sidney Crosby comes along and he's the new Gretz without question. It's like OK I'm gonna drink myself into a coma, eat nothing but mcdonalds and have a heart attack then check myself into the hospital. And you know who's paying for that? My neighbor Stan, the local health teacher. That seems fair, right? But no, not in America. No way. Not on my watch. And how bout Chris Drury last night? Mr. CT. He's much in the clutch. There was something so satisfying last night, watching a New York Ranger score on Brodeur. Especially Drury because that's Sean Avery's right hand man. And as we all know, it's all about Sean Avery. I don't think he's too concerned about his fellow Canadians either as his past 2 tweets from the last 12 hours are as follows: "Drury is clutch" and "Close your eyes girl, look inside girl, let the sun take you away." Yes, he quoted Magic Carpet Ride. The song in Austin Powers. Awesome.

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