Wednesday, February 17, 2010


An NBA source confirmed Tuesday night that Celtics and Knicks are re-engaged in talks regarding New York point guard and three-time slam dunk champion Nate Robinson. The Celtics have long held interest in Robinson and he has privately told those close to him that he would love to play for the Celtics. Robinson, who did not play Tuesday in Chicago because of the flu, is a high-scoring, high-energy guard the Celtics crave and he could spell Rajon Rondo as a reserve. Robinson is averaging 13.2 points, 3.7 assists, 2.4 rebounds and 45 percent shooting in 30 games for New York. He has spent the season in and out of coach Mike D'Antoni's doghouse.

I hate, hate, hate, hate Nate Robinson. If there's a guy who epitomizes what's wrong with the NBA, it this little fucker. I'll take an aging scrub like Eddie House over him. I don't care if Nate Robinson is going to be relegated to just a back up to Rondo. I care that he's going to be part of a great team that he doesn't deserve to be a part of. Ray Allen, Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett and Eddie House all worked their ass off for years and finally got rewarded by putting them all together and winning a ring. Now we're just gonna let some clown like Nate Robinson become a champion because we need a back up scoring threat who can't dribble, can't play defense, and can't run an offense to save his life? I just hate Knick players. Probably because I hate all of New York but still I don't get how people say Robinson is a talent. Even David Lee, The Knicks most talented player would be the 4th best guy on the Cavs or Lakers. 4th best. So if Nate is the 3rd best guy on the Knicks that makes him like 8th player on the Celtics. So we're gonna trade our top defensive player in Tony Allen for a tiny fucker who couldn't guard Bruce Bowen? It makes me sick. I'll take Stephon Marbury back instead of Robinson. And yes, I just puked in my mouth after saying that.

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