Thursday, February 25, 2010

Canadian Women Hockey Players Know How to Party

Despite the fact that I despise all things Canada, I must admit their woman's hockey team knows how to party after a big win. They beat the US women Thursday 2-0 to win the gold medal and immediately brought beer, champagne, and cigars onto the ice to celebrate. This sounds like my type of woman. How bad ass is that - smoking cigars and drinking alcohol on the ice in front of thousands of people right after you won gold at the Olympics. Oh ya, some of the players are under the legal age of drinking in Vancouver (19). I guess that's why the IOC is getting all worked up. They (the IOC) have already said they will be looking into the matter and I'm sure nothing good will come of it but I say who cares - let them celebrate. Baseball teams routinely pop open bottles of champagne on the field after playoff series wins. I guess the only difference here are the few underage players, but who didn't drink when they were 18? It should be noted that Marie-Philip Poulin, who scored both of Canada's goals, is from Quebec where the drinking age is 18. Although female sports are like playing male sports underwater, I might just have to watch the next Canadian woman's hockey game to see if they turn it into a frat party after. I must note that I am not condoning underage drinking.

(photo from ESPN, Alex Livesey/Getty Images)

The full story can be found here -

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