Saturday, February 27, 2010

You Don't Go To The Olympics For The Cold Snow. You Go For The Hot Sex

Rowdy curling crowds; spontaneous street parties; public drunkeness. You don't have to look far for evidence that the crowds at Winter Games in Vancouver know how to have a good time. And, as if anymore proof is needed that a wild Olympic atmosphere permeates B.C.'s largest city, now there's an apparent condom shortage. That's right. As you read this, an emergency shipment of condoms is desperately making its way across Canada to the West Coast city. Health officials in Vancouver have already provided 100,000 free condoms to the roughly 7,000 ahtletes and officials at the Games. That's about 14 condoms per person. But as of Wednesday, those supplies started running dangerously low. So naturally, the Canadian Foundation for AIDS research decided to step and make sure there were no hitches in Olympic action.

Something tells me Vancouver during the olympics is like ESPN headquarters on a tuesday. Don't even get me started what that place is like on a friday. I swear I saw Scot Van Pelt driving out of Bristol with a pair of panties on his head with Colin Cowherd slapping some intern in the back seat but I digress. 14 condoms per person? That means Bode Miller slammed 14 chicks? He's only been there for like 14 days so that means he's gotten some every day of the week. Only in the olympic village, I suppose. I can't really blame the guy. America is pretty much running the world so I bet every little Czech wants a taste of democracy and capitalism. Even a goof ball like Shaun White could get laid based on the fact that he rocks the stars and stripes. Togs couldn't pull it off though. No way.

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